· SST板式换热器 |
SST 板式热交换器工作原理 SST板式换热器是由若干悬挂在上横梁并由下导杆定位的薄金属板片组成。位于压紧板四周的夹紧螺栓将这些板片夹紧在框架上的固定压板和活动板之间。每块板的角上有导流孔,引导流体进出。相邻板之间用垫片密封,使冷热流体每相隔一板流动。流体的流量、特理特性、压力降和温度差决定了板片的数量和尺寸。在大多数场合使用单程,所有管路都接在固定压板上,检查拆卸打开换热器时,不必拆卸管道。如生产特殊要求,我们也可安排多流程形式,也可以处理两种以上的介质。 Plate heat exchangers consist of a number of corrugated plates.The plate pack is mounted between a fixed and movable pressure plate.positioned by an upper and lower carrying bar.and compressed by several tightening bolts.The media involved in the heat exchange process.are fed into the plate pack via connections on the fixed and movable pressure platesThe arrangement of the plates creates two separate channel systems.enabling the two media to flow past and between each other without plysical contact.leaving the exchanger again via connections in the pressure plates. Plate with different patterns can be mixed in the heat exchanger in order to achieve optimum efficiency at a given pressure drop.By installing special distrbution plates in the plate pack.the media can be conducted several times through the flow channel.
1.不锈钢AISl304.316 净水、河川水、食用油、矿物油 Stainless steeIAIS1304.316 pu rified water, river water.edible oil and mineral Oi| 2.钛及钛钯 海水、盐水、盐化物 Titanium and palladium sea water.salty water and salt substances 3.哈氏合金 浓硫酸、盐酸、磷酸 Hastelloy alloy concentrated sulfuric acid.hydrochloric acid and phosphoric acid 4.镍 高温、高浓度苛性钠 Nickel high temperature and concentrated super alkali 5.钼 稀硫酸、稀疏盐化物水溶液、无机水溶液 Molybdenum diluted sulfuric acid.diluted salt substance water solution and inorganic substance water solution 二、垫片材质 Material of washer: 1.丁晴橡胶 水、海水、矿物油、盐水 15 - 110'C NBR water.sea water.mineral oil and salty water 2.高温丁晴 高温矿物油 15 - 140'C HNBR high temperature mineral oil and high temperature water 3.三元乙丙 热水、水蒸气、酸、碱 25 - 170'C EPDM hot water.steam.acid and alkali 4.氟橡胶 酸、碱流体 一5 - 180'C Fluorine rubber acid and alkali 5.氧丁橡胶 酸、碱 一5 - 1300C NEOPRENE acid and alkali 6.硅橡胶 食品、油、脂肪、酒精 -65 - 250'C Silicon rubber food.oil.fattiness.alky 7.石棉垫片 一5 - 2500C Asbestos 三、框架材质 Material of frame: 1.标准:碳钢喷塑 Standard: plastic-coated carbon steel 2.特殊:包不锈钢全不锈钢 Special purpose:all stainless steel coated with stainless steel 四、接口甄选 Material of connection; 1.标准:SS不锈钢衬套 Standard:stainless steel 2.特殊:丁晴橡胶三元乙丙哈氏合金钛其他合金钢 Special purpose:acrylonitrile butadiene rubber.ternary ethylene-propylene rubber, Hastelloy alloy.titanium and other alloy steels 五、附件 Accessories; 裉据客户要求还可以提供换热器保温罩 The insulation cover of heat exchanger can also be provided on customer's request 标准:彩钢注塑可拆式 Standard:dismountable color plastic-coated steel SST板式换热器的特点 免粘贴式垫片是目前国际上常用的密封垫片方式,SST板式换热器采用卡扣式CLIP-ON垫片,并在此基础上做了很大的改进。垫片嵌在板片的凹槽内并通过垫片爪固定在换热器板片上,在装配时不易掉落,装配时无须特殊工具。垫片采用屋顶型有很好的密封性能,延长使用寿命,该垫片组装而成的板式换热器可以耐压20Bar。垫片设计了很多的防止流体混合的检漏措施,当密封垫片失效时,立即发现并加以改进。同时在换热器停机维护的时候,将垫片取下清洗换热板片即可,避免密封胶条遇到清洗液或其它溶液膨胀而影响使用寿命,重新安装时不需要其它任何特殊工具就可以完成。 The without using adhesive material washer is the most common sealing washer currently used around the worldSST plate heat exchanger adopts Clip-On washer and a lot of improvements are made on its original design.The washer is embedded in the groove of plate and fastened on the heat exchange plate through the plate claw so that it is not easy to drop and requires no special tools during installationThe washer has an excellent tighness and longer useful life due to application of roof type structureThe plate heat exchanger that adopts such washer can withstand the pressure of 20Bar.This washer also is designed with many leak detection measures to avoid fluids combination.The failure will be detected immediately and be corrected once the washer fails.During maintenance and service of the heat exchanger.the heat exchange plate can be cleaned just after removing the washerThe useful life of sealing rubber will not be affected because of contact with cleaning fluid or other solutions.The washer can be reassembled without requiring any other special tools 先进的框架结构 Advanced frame structure SST扳式换热器采用单边流设计,板式换热板片可旋转180'C即成为另外一个通道的板片,形成个换热通道,所有板片夹紧后板片之间有互锁机构,采用活动轴承能够轻松的将换热器夹紧至适合的尺寸,所有的螺栓均采用高强度镀锌处理。 SST plate heat exchanger is designed with single side currentThe plate heat exchanger will become a plate wjth another flow passage after rotating 1800C .There is an interlocking mechanism between all plates after being fastened The flexible bearing can freely tighten the heat exchanger to an appropriate position and all bolts are treated with high strength zine coat 板型设计 特殊的来贤淑尺寸标尺 SST扳式换热器设有特殊的换热器夹紧尺寸标识,用户在现场即可以按要求将板式换热器按标尺要求预紧至铭牌标识的尺寸。一目了然,能够轻易的将板式换热器按要求安装好。 SST plate heat exchanger is equipped with a special tightening position mark.Customer can pre-tighten the plate heat exchanger to the position marked on the name-plate following relevant requirements on the siteThis can make the installation of plate heat exchanger easier and more convenient. 板片的材质和厚度 SST扳式换热器所有板片采用05-0.6mm厚度,使用寿命远远超过普通的换热器板片,作为国际上能够提供小温差为1cC的供应商之一,我们对材质的苛刻要求和对换热器板片的独到设计,使得我们的板片在05mm厚度时能够承受16Ba的压力,0.6mm的板片能够承受25Bar,而且在板式换热器两侧流体压差≥16公斤时仍能正常运行,这对于制冷行业尤为重要。从机械强度的原理上讲,若采用0.4mm厚度的板片,板片的抗压差能力大大降低,严重时将产生板片错位及流体泄露,在流体中的坚硬颗粒与板片发生高度摩擦时,其板片的抗击穿性能大大降低。 The SST plate heat exchangers thickness of the plate is about 0.5-0.6mm and its useful life is much longer than no rmal heat exchanging plate.As one of the suppliers who have ability to meet the minimum differential temperature of l-C . our strict requirement on material and unique design of heat exchanging plate make our plates able to withstand the pressure 不锈钢的接衬套 SST扳式换热器均采用不锈钢衬套,使得换热器内形成一个闭式的不锈钢流体通道,避免其它材质的接口对换热介质的污染,发生腐蚀等。这对于一些应用中保护换热介质是非常重要的,例如水处理、制药、食品、暖通制冷等领域, All SST plate heat exchangers adopt stainless steel sleeve to form an enclosed stainless steel flow passage in the heat exchanger This will avoid contaminant in the heat exchanging medium which are caused by connections made of other material and erosion Such measure is very important for heat exchanging medium protection in some high end applications.for example.water treatment.pharmaceutical industry.food industry.HAVC.refrigerating industry.etc SST 板式换热器的规格 SST板式换热器型号表示方法 304——换热器板片材质 Material of heat exchange plate 所有板式换热器均采用不锈钢衬套,框架采用碳钢喷塑处理。 型号编制示例 1.stainless steeIAIS1304 2. SW20/185/PN16/316 SST板式换热器主要技术参数 |
技术支持:中诺科技(四平企业网) |
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